
By Shutterup

The day started rosy

I managed to plant up a pot that had been full of tulips and another that used to have a clematis in it and I have replaced them with my own sown seedling of marigold, and cosmos and ... argh I cant remember what it is called!!  ..cerinthe.. I remembered!
I have more to plant tomorrow but the weather has taken a turn for the worse.  Really pleased it remained dry till lunchtime as we were able to cut the grass before we go away for a little jaunt. 
This rose is from a cutting we took of my great aunts rose.. I wish I knew what it was called.  The flowers have a gorgeous but delicate scent .. I did a bit of research and think it might be Minnehaha .. which was popular in the 20s and 30s which is when she will have planted it we think. 

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