This is the day

By wrencottage


This is the Peace rose in our front garden, which is looking lovely at the moment, and is much less labour-intensive for me than my Pretty Lady roses in the back garden which, being floribunda, need a great deal of dead-heading. I try to do some every morning, but don't always manage it because there always seem to be so many other jobs to do.

I needed to go to the Atrium this morning, and I persuaded Smithers to accompany me. I had a proof of a postcard I’d printed, with a pastel and pencil drawing of the church on the front, and I was hoping to see Rachel, the artist, to get her approval for it before printing off a quantity of them.

Rachel was in church when I arrived, sitting at the organ, playing a wonderful piece of music. She’s both a gifted musician and an accomplished artist – what a very talented lady! She plays for some of our formal services, and enjoys practising on the organ during the week whenever she can.

Smithers was warmly welcomed by several people while we had coffee, and one in particular, a retired GP friend, came and sat with us and spent some time asking after him and encouraging him, for which I was very grateful.

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