Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Young Moorhen

A day of catching up with various jobs including some admin.
Markwell Windows came and repaired our damaged window this afternoon. I was amazed how easily it came apart and it did not shatter when he took it out.
Today’s picture is of one of our young Moorhens, which decided to visit the upper part of the garden and sit on the wall just outside one of the kitchen windows. It seemed unconcerned by my presence at the window and then proceeded to eat any red currants there may have been on the bush! They are now as big as the adults, but do not yet have their markings. They have learnt that there is food under the bird feeders and they are now able to fly short distances; I hope that they are now safe from predators.
The temperature at noon today was fifteen degrees Celsius.  

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