
By flavia13


A busy day today.  Hubby went down to Kents Bank Station for a works morning where quite a lot turned up to tidy up the borders, the waiting rooms and the platforms.  Luckily it was this morning as it has barely stopped raining  since  just after lunch!!

I had the  please of bathroom cleaning, the guest one this week - it will be the en-suite's  turn next week, lucky me!!!!

I've also put together a document about snapseed and editing photos from your phone for our U3A Digital Camera Club.  It was a huge learning curve from me as  I don't do much on the phone but have started to use it occasionally and learning about editing direct from the image or via snapseed.  There is so much more but I won't go into too much depth with it at the moment as I still love to shoot in RAW and use LightRoom Classic for editing, which is a huge learning curve.

I popped into the garden between raindrop to see what I could capture and the lady's mantle won again as they looks so gorgeous when they are wearing their diamonds.

That's all from me for today - do take care and stay safe and I will see  you all tomorrow.

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