From Now On...

By rachelwhynot


We’ve had these outside for several weeks now, due to endless roadworks, causing massive holdups for many drivers and even some near misses as they try make a quick turn. Fascinating for me to watch but murder for those with places to get to. It has meant timing our exit from the drive, hoping some kind driver will leave space enough for us get out.

Moan over, Janet and I had a great day today. Her first trip out in 14 weeks. Wheelchair reserved at the venue, blue badge checked for parking, medical boot firmly fitted and off we went.

Bit of a mufti wheelchair but it did the job nicely and I didn’t bump into any obstacles. The staff were so helpful getting some purchases back to the car, and my driving license was returned when I took the wheelchair back, taken as security when we arrived.

Sausage roll and tea lunch sitting at a table surrounded by beautiful indoor plants and hanging baskets. A good day, to be repeated. No photo to share of our day though. I was concentrating on that wheelchair….

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