
By helenann

Kohleria Time

Today, another quiet one of domestic duties,  following a busy weekend and hosting a guest.
I think I have developed a cold (caught from Martin) which  is a novelty  as I haven't had one for years. (Negative  Covid test.)
My ever expanding collection of Achimenes and Kohlerias are occupying  every available window sill in the house. They are now coming into bloom. This pretty Kohleria, supplied by TonyG, is labelled "No Name " . It seems a shame for such a plant to be anonymous.
This evening on Springwatch (coming from  Arne)they showed film footage of a Reed Warbler nest with four chicks, being predated first by an Adder which took two chicks and then by a Grass Snake which took the remaining  two chicks. Amazing! No need to travel abroad to see wildlife drama unfolding.   
Feeling sad over the news that Dr Michael Mosley has died while on holiday on a Greek island. He made so many sensible and realistic suggestions for how people may improve their health and well being.

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