
By tridral


Bioamrywiaeth ~ Biodiversity

“The greatest enemy of art is the habit of seeing everyday things as everyday things.”
― Rene Magritte

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Aethon ni i ymweld â Richard, Steph a’r teulu prynhawn 'ma. Roedd yn teimlo ei bod hi wedi bod yn amser hir ers i ni eu gweld.

Pan brynon nhw'r tŷ, roedd yr ardd gefn wedi'i gorchuddio â slabiau. Ers hynny maen nhw wedi cymryd rhai o'r slabiau a gwneud gardd fechan. Mae llawer o flodau gwahanol wedi dechrau tyfu ac wedi ymledu ar draws yr ardd, hyd yn oed yn tyfu mewn craciau rhwng y slabiau palmant sy'n weddill. Mae'n olygfa fendigedig i'w gweld. Mae'r plant yn mwynhau'r ardd a'r blodau.

Cawson ni amser da gyda'r teulu tan roedd amser dal y bws adre. Yn gobeithio byddan nhw'n ymweld â ni dros y penwythnos

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We went to visit Richard, Steph and the family this afternoon. It felt like it had been a long time since we had seen them.

When they bought the house, the back garden was covered with slabs. Since then they have taken some of the slabs and made a small garden. Many different flowers have started to grow and have spread across the garden, even growing in cracks between the remaining paving slabs. It is a wonderful sight to behold. The children enjoy the garden and the flowers.

We had a good time with the family until it was time to catch the bus home. Hoping they will visit us over the weekend

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Ysgallen yn yr ardd 
Description (English): Thistle in the garden 

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