
By Ridgeback13


An early haircut had me in town first thing then back up the hill in bright sunshine for a bit of a screen based day. I continued with the executor stuff, managing better with various passwords and accounts. Realised I had problems with my various devices syncing calendars and I was pleased that when I contacted Apple support they had to try many different things and still had trouble fixing it….it wasn’t just a ‘switch it off and back on’ thing. Anyway, got it sorted so that was good. Rest of the time I was reading draft papers for next week’s Board and chatted to AS then VG about aspects of the business.
It’s been a lovely sunny day today and, as I found when I was later walking down to town for a fundraising event, it was quite a lot less chilly than recently. We had a lovely performance by this violin quartet in front of an amazing view of the castle, then lots of chat and canapés about the new concert hall plans. Remembering names is a bit of a nightmare for me but otherwise it was a jolly evening and I had some good conversations.
Bus home so I could get my supper and catch up on some recorded TV before bed….long drive tomorrow.

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