An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

My Superwoman Cape...

Well actually my reading shawl, but more on that later :-)

Alan had an appointment with his GP this morning to have his chest sounded to make sure his chest infection has gone.  The good news is his chest is clear and the GP thought he was looking really well, which he is.  His holiday has done him good and he's caught the sun a little so has a bit of colour about him.  

The dilemma of my wedding outfit for Andrew and Nikki's wedding continues (it's five weeks today!!!) so please feel free to skip the next three paragraphs if you are scunnered with me going on about it!  :-))

The two fascinators I ordered arrived.  Both were teal and cream but the first one they charged the correct item but sent teal and orange.  Doesn't matter, I hated it.  Although it looks nothing like it, it reminded me of this!!! Back it goes!

The second one I really loved but the teal shade is more green than teal so doesn't match my top.  I also realised it's the exact same fascinator that Ele (mother of the groom) is wearing (but in a different colour) so even if it had matched, I would have sent it back.  

Another look online took me to Fascinator Direct and I've ordered a teal fascinator from them.  I also ordered the same fascinator in a colour called Mink as that shade is in my top too and it wonder if it might be easier to match that than the teal.  I ordered a clutch bag in that colour too as they had only one left in stock so if that fascinator works, I will have the bag to match.

After lunch D nipped to the driving range for an hour and as the weather forecast for the next few days is rain, I went out to the garden with my sketch book to make the most of the sunshine.  

I took my recently completed reading shawl with me and although I wasn't reading, it served it's purpose perfectly keeping my shoulders and back warm when the sun dipped behind the clouds and the wind picked up.  D asked me if it was my Superwoman Cape, so that's what I am now officially calling it :D  Or maybe invisibility cloak would be better! 

Got friend P visiting at the weekend.  His last two visits have been postponed as each time I developed sepsis the week before he was due to visit.  Hoping that doesn't happen again but as I only finished a course of antibiotics on Friday and due to start a new course tomorrow (yes another course again!) I am hoping that doesn't happen a third time.  

I was in the middle of my Tesco online order when we got a FaceTime from Esme.  It was her first school sports day today and she got two second prizes and a well done sticker.  She was hyper but very indignant as she fell during the hurdles race (hurdles for 5 year olds?!!!) but picked herself up and finished the race.  She laughed when I told her my best friend and I always came first in the three-legged and wheelbarrow races.  She'd never heard of those.  Probably too risky for today's risk averse culture! I suspect her wee pal will be educated on them tomorrow and possibly roped into trying them!  

TV is full of election guff and the Euros.  Avoiding both!  

PS Pattern for shawl for anyone who's interested :D 

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