There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

A Celebration of Ferns at Dry Hollow

We decided to head over to Dry Hollow. My husband would jog and I would walk. The last time we were there, the mosquitoes were terrible, so I dressed in long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Since I'd spent the evening before icing my left knee, I wore a brace on it, and resolved to make my walk shorter than usual. I took my chair; planned to sit. It worked out fine.

The temperatures were comfortable, which was a treat. We have some hot weather coming up next week and I'm not looking forward to that. But I try to live in the day as much as possible now. If nothing horrible is happening right this very second, and you aren't being chased by wolves, can't we try to be happy in this moment now? Why borrow tomorrow's sorrow?

I walked slowly, taking my time and enjoying the fern show. I am a nature lover from way back when, and it still astounds me, the amount of order and beauty that can be found in all things. These ferns are just fantastic. I am happy that in June there are FERNS! Yay!

It is June, and all things are green. The trees. The bushes. The grass. The ferns. Let's let this be our soundtrack song: Johnny Cash, with Forty Shades of Green.

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