Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


through the upper window of the Chapter House at Reading Abbey this morning :)

A script on the wall of the Chapter House read 'sumer is' incumen in'
(more information here in Wikpedia) :)

In the extras a couple more views - I was not sure which is the best - and some poppies I found :)

I hope this fits the parameters of the W-I-D-E on Wednesday Challenge this week of 'your weather' with thanks to Jensphotos.

A good day!!!

Late yesterday I had a verbal job offer from the police, and pending all protocol and checks go well, I can look to start work in about 4 weeks time.  (However, I cannot confirm I have a job until I have the offer in writing with a start date after the protocol and checks):)

And after starting the new tablets - one tiny capsule of a tablet called 'Pregabalin' last night, I'm so pleased that once I got to sleep (loud 'hissing' noises in the house last night :( really not sure what they were - had to get up and check there wasn't any water leaking somewhere which was my biggest fear!), I stayed asleep except waking once and then it was easy to sleep until nearly 7am today which is so rare for me :):)

Meantime regarding the job centre - they will pay me until 24th June which is when my Job Seekers Allowance ends (unless I have a temp role before then for a couple of weeks). 

And my work coach says whilst I need to keep looking for jobs, I don't need to attend interviews especially with my sore leg, so I've cancelled one tomorrow as its a train journey.

I also need to apply for the dreaded 'Universal Credit' straightaway as it will take a couple of weeks at least to go through....

Phew!  Now to relax  :):)

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