Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Little Egret

This morning we set off early to go to RSPB Leighton Moss. I particularly wanted to see , for the first time, avocet chicks.

When we were there 3 weeks ago it was too soon. I kept an eye on the Facebook page and some had hatched so we made plans to visit. Of all times, the access road to the hides was closed for repair last week. There wasn't even foot access! (No that I could have managed that easily.)

So today, where are the chicks? Gone! Probably predated.

I've blipped the little egret because I don't often see them and I've never blipped one. No breath-taking shots of anything but our list of birds seen is below. (24 species)

Avocet, blackbird, bar-tailed godwit, black-headed gull, black-tailed godwit, coot, cormorant, crow, curlew, great black-backed gull, greylag goose, heron, knot, little egret, mallard, marsh harrier, moorhen, mute swan, oystercatcher, robin, sedge warbler, swallow, swift, tufted duck.

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