I went with Emily, our head of development to see Bluets at the Court this evening. It was a strange piece, more meditation than drama, based on Maggie Nelson’s book about a person falling in love with the colour blue. Three actors, notably Ben Whishaw voice the text and interact with on stage cameras to provide a filmed narrative. Despite decidedly mixed reviews I rather liked it. I found it mesmerising and beautiful and could watch those three actors for twice as long.
Emily and I had a quick delicious dinner at Cafe Colbert before hand. I wanted to thank her for the work she’d put into the day. It was very enjoyable. She asked me a lot about my time working at the Royal Court and we talked about favourite books. Very pleasant.
We had a day looking ahead about our development and went round the corner to a different building to try and feel a bit more focussed. It was useful to take stock of where we are.
Another cool day in London. I don’t except to be wearing jumpers at this time of the year in the South.
Caught the 9.30 home, it was a short play, and watched an ep of Red Eye en route. Useful for various reasons.
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