By Yorkshirebred

Flower Friday - Flower Festival

Backblip for Friday 7/6.  The Congs was holding a 3 day Flower Festival so we were able to look at the exhibits whilst joining others at Tittle Tattle this morning.  Some beautiful blooms and clever ideas for the displays. I did like this main image though - hand and feet prints to make the flower - done by the village pre-school children. I also liked the display for our book club, and the Tittle Tattle Teashop (extras). Had a large floater in my eye all week which this morning had turned I to a larger "blob" so after travelling up to the next village to drop off cards for my granddaughter's birthday, I caught a 2 buses to Keighley and the afternoon was spent at the opticians fore photos, scans and other tests then a referral to Eye Casualty in Bradford with a retinal tear. I had finally got to Bradford to go up to the hospital when the on-call ophthalmologist rang and asked me to attend the clinic tomorrow instead! Luckily having had to negotiate the centre's mass of closed roads and roadworks I reached Nelson Street just as the bus for Bingley was pulling in. Having left the house at 10:30 I finally got home around 19:00!

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