
By NellyO

Assignment submitted!

Over the last couple of months I have been studying an Open University module on Digital Photography, T189. In all honesty I have been behind right from the start and have pretty much given up playing catch-up - I have saved all the material (and we have access to it for the next 3 years) so will catch up in my own time without the stress of the deadlines! It's a bit embarrassing given that I tutor on other OU modules (I really hope none of my students read this!!!) and given that my OU boss is married to a blipper who reads this blog, but it was marking for both my modules that got me behind in the first place so I don't feel too bad! I spent this evening sorting out the final assignment - really I should have been more organised and learnt how to zip folders beforehand, it would have led to a much less stressful evening! But it's done now.

Although I still don't think I'm any great expert at photography (as this rubbish photo will more than amply demonstrate!) I do have more idea now of what the various numbers you see around photography mean, and am confident enough now to take my camera off the 'automatic' setting and fiddle around a bit more with the manual settings. Which was my aim in doing the module (it wasn't for the qualification, just for the knowledge) so all in all it was a good thing to do. If you're thinking of doing something similar, the last presentation of this module is in October this year (I'm not sure what if anything will replace it). I've enjoyed it and found the online discussion forums very supportive, and it's only 10 weeks so I'd say go for it!

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