Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Must be summer ...

I hadn't quite decided on tonight's photo until I went to lock the front door and took this photo of the western sky, at about 11.10pm - a perfect summer evening sky, but in a temperature more suited to early March. My flowers are coming out as they should - see the extra of my Golden Wedding rose bush and the first of the orange lilies in a pot near my back door - but I think it must be a shock for them. 

I decided this morning that a bit of gentle painting (a picture, not a wall) would be a suitably convalescent activity, and because there was bright sunshine and not as much wind as yesterday I walked to my class. (It was cloudy and windy when I came out, but that seems to have been the pattern recently). Actually I didn't find it gentle at all, this painting malarkey - I'm working on a much larger scale than I have so far, in acrylic, on canvas, and it's all very different so that my usual finicky stuff with detail and pencil lines isn't relevant and I'm trying to master the different colour mixes and flow and became quite frustrated with myself by the time I realised it was lunchtime.

Meanwhile, Himself had been wrestling with the irritations of the move to have EE as the "forward facing side" of BT, whether we like it or not. He'd had a suspicion that the arrangement to have an engineer call today hadn't been properly concluded, and he was right. Eventually he got hold of a live person on the phone by the tried and tested method of being too slow to select a keypad option, and we're told there will be someone round early on Friday. The confirmatory email, however, has not arrived yet, and we have our doubts. We do not, however, currently have any connectivity on the so-called land line; it's already switched and we haven't.

The afternoon, or what remained of it after a late lunch, was a scrappy affair - falling asleep over the paper, snipping some waving tendrils off the wisteria - it looked like a Triffid - pulling up tiny weeds from between paving stones, pottering up to the church to check something. A phone call promised an unusual task on Thursday, of which more anon ...

There are some rather vile people popping up on the telly after the news this evening with various obnoxious political views, but I shall refrain from specifics in the interests of not upsetting anyone at bedtime. It will probably not get dark tonight before the dawn gets going, but I really need to sleep ...

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