Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Fat balls and vintage motors

An unusual 1934 Austin 7 with a backend conversion so that it could be used as a tradesman’s lorry. This is owned by the guys who run our local garage and are enthusiasts for all things on wheels (including golf carts).

This was taken during my one foray out today, to get veg. I was doing a deep clean on the downstairs of the house and the weather was in any case rubbish so an indoor day was inevitable. The cats seemed to concur and hardly ventured out. As I write however, at 7.15 in the evening, the clouds have vanished and there is a bright sun blazing down on us. It is the first time today that I’ve felt warm.

There were three squirrels in the garden today, which is unheard of. They were raiding the bird feeders of course and romping around like it was their personal playground. But very entertaining. As also was Alexa. We had ordered more bird food and her screen said "your fat balls are coming today". I wish …

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