
By Hillyblips

Practise Run

TSJ giving his wings excise.

The famous four - still up on the ledge at Tewkesbury Abbey. Josephine the largest female, Gerald and Jeff both ringed and this is TSJ which leaves Bob the smallest unringed because he was the smallest just too small to ring. 

Hand held in a breeze, worried I wouldn't actually get anything on camera as I'd no extender so the distance might be too much. So up close and personal I surprised myself this evening.
The names amuse me - care of Tewkesbury Boy's Brigade. I honestly couldn't help thinking of Rowan Atkinson with Gerald the Gorilla sketch and Bob from Black Adder

 I'd only gone to the supermarket for my fox food. I'd had quite a moment last night as he came in in daylight. Then as darkness dropped I got out the thermal bins. Another fox came in and there was a muntjac casually walking to the apple tree picking up off the floor anything that had dropped.

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