
By flavia13


Aaarggh I've just done a big right up and it's somehow got lost!!!! So will hae to start again.  

This week my LetsDo52 challenge is bridges, so I had been Googling for interesting bridges near me when I suddenly remembered, of course I have two fantastic viaducts near me - the Ribblehead and the one at Arnside - both very photogenic.

So we had to drop of the Suzuki car for an MOT and service this morning at 8.30 and afterward we'd dropped her off headed up the A590, over the M6 at Junction 36,  onto the A65 to Ingleton where took the B6255 to Ribblehead.

My research discovered that I had never actually the visitor centre on Ribblehead station before, in fact I'd never been to the station.  It now has a cafe and facilities, yeah.  So we parked up, about an hour before the cafe was due to open so we parked up, a few cars but not too many and walked over the moor to the viaduct, me taking several different types of shots on the way.

We got right underneath one of the central arches, which did freak me out as I get vertigo looking at up at tall sheer structures, weirdly I'm OK looking down!!!!  We read the plaque at it's base and played peekaboo with some lambs whilst Mama and Papa kept a careful eye on them and us.

Then we walked up the hill so I could be just above the viaduct, took several shots then  went back down again.  As we were  doing so we heard the roar of an engine and huge 4 propellered plane flew overhead, this time I had my camera ready so I took a few photos of it going over the viaduct - I was very happy (see extras).  Sorry I don't know what type of plane it is, somebody may be able to enlighten me!!!!

Then we started to wend  our way back to the Visitor Centre or a convenient break and some fika.  Some chap saw my camera, said hello and said "you do know there is a steam train coming over the viaduct in about 30 minutes from Hellifield don't you"!!!  I stopped dead in my tracks, I thought he was having me on, but he reassured me it was true.  So we went back up the hill and  positioned ourselves to wait for the train.

Excitement mounting in me.  I've photographed the viaduct many times with my Dad many years ago and since.  I've always dreamed of seeing a steam train going over it but have always avoided it as it is usually heaving with photographers.  Not today, because it wasn't that well advertised apparently and not on RailAdvent either!!  There were about 6 "real" photographers up much higher than me but I was happy where I was.  

I set my phone up for a video and got Hubby to take the video as soon as we saw the train.  It's a cracking little video, could do with brightening up a bit but I don't know if you can do that with a video, but it's still great and I'm so pleased we did.

We  could hear the toot toot from quite a long way off, then saw the steam, then she appeared.  Now this wasn't a quick whizz past like at Kents Bank Station it takes a bit longer so I just kept clicking. Now unfortunately somehow I had managed to inadvertantly move a dial so the photos are not that sharp, but the distance ones including the whole of the viaduct  are passable, thank heavens.  Still it doesn't detract  from the fact THAT I'VE SEEN STEAM ON RIBBLEHEAD VIADUCT - WAHOO.  It turns out that the engine was The Tangmire, which is the one I photographed at Kents Bank Station just a couple of weeks ago!!!!  (Battle of Britain class). 

After all this excitement we went up to The Visitor Centre.  Ribblehead station is a lovely little station with lots of information boards and the cafe is set up in the old tickets office and waiting room.  The cafe is fairly basic just coffee and cake really so we forced ourselves to have coffee (Cappuccino for me, black Americano for Hubby) anda slice of homemade fruitcake, with lots of fruit and NO PEEL, YIPPEE (I hate peel).  

We then headed back to the car and down the B6479 through Selside, Horton-in-Ribblesdale, Stainforth, Settle and Giggleswick and back up the A65 to the Goat Gap Cafe for a delicious lunch.  It's a very pretty twisty turny drive but good roads, so picture skew  as I my Dad would have said.

We picked the car up, which has cost an arm and a leg but it's not going to detract from my great day.  

Now home with loads of photos to process - this is the first of them, hope you like them - sorry the quality isn't brilliant but at they're not awful either.

Do take care and stay safe and I will see  you all tomorrow.  Thank you for dropping by, your stars, hearts and comments are so much appreciated and enjoyed.

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