Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

I'm a Hobbyist!

This Blip represents just some of the multitude of hobbies I have; not that they are all active at any one time -not even an unencumbered retiree has that much time free!

Apart from the obvious photography and Blip, I also enjoy:

Doll's house modelling - this is from my 1-12th scale conservatory currently housing my collection of miniature musical instruments. The conservatory and piano were hand built from kits

Music - I am a member and secretary of a chamber choir, and a self-taught pianist.

Art - I painted the miniature picture of Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" in acrylics many years ago for my late mum's "Art Gallery" (she was also keen on doll's house modelling), but it was never a serious hobby. However, this year I started taking art classes and occasionally blip some of the results.

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