
By Ridgeback13


I made them another morning roll breakfast fry up, a bit later this morning given they’d had a late night, and heard all about Taylor’s gig as we ate. Sounds like they’d had good seats and really enjoyed it, and had walked home which was quicker than waiting for the tram or bus.
Z had to take a work call so I made some lemon curd with the lemons they’d brought me from Z’s sister’s house in Portugal….love it and they were very good lemons so it tasted delicious.
Then I took them out on a walking tour of the town…going down the Vennel, along the Grassmarket and up Victoria St then down the Mound and up to George St, along through the St James’ Centre and up Calton Hill. It was bright and sunny all the way with only one very brief shower, but still a bit chilly, especially for this time of year. They’d already explored the Castle, Royal Mile and Palace yesterday and are going to climb Arthur’s Seat tomorrow so will have done a good tour of the place by the time they leave!
Came home and had some baguette with cheeses, salad and salami etc then I got stuck into some reading and emails until the (only!) helpful person from Luton council social care rang me about sorting out the bill for P’s care….only taken them 8 months to talk to me about this! She was great though - just so human and empathic and straightforward. I have to submit (another!) financial assessment form though so I’d better get onto that tomorrow.
After Z had had another work call they went back to town for a browse and to explore some of the secret bars there whilst I went to the supporters book festival launch. The speeches were rather long and so I didn’t get any chatting or drinks time, but nice to be sitting in the events space at EFI full of people….still have that sense of amazement that it’s all actually open and functioning after all these years!
Back home to meet them and we went to Tempo Perso in Bruntsfield for supper (the Sardinian restaurant was closed as it’s Monday, which was a shame as Z’s partner T had been to Sardinia a lot when he was younger so they’d wanted to go there). I was surprised how busy it was, the menu was good and a bit different from standard, and the waiters very Italian…so it was good to discover a tasty new place for future reference. We chatted about their recent trip to Australia and plans for future travel, crypto currency, merits of iPhones vs Samsung cameras, and killing chickens in Portugal amongst other things.
It’s been a good day….I've walked more than recently!

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