6 today

Happy 6th birthday to our little Katie. She had a fantastic day.

This is the Ariel Adventure in our hotel in Portugal. You had to be 6 or over to get on it but it also depended on how slight you were. I had my doubts that she would do it and that they would allow her as she is only little. She had a tear in her eye while we were waiting to go up the stairs to the start but once she was up there she done really really well. John went at the front of us, then Megan, then Katie and finally me at the end. It is great.

Katie then had her first shot in the Hamster Waterball.....she loved that too.

Later in the day the Entertainment team in the hotel gave a "shout out" to her at the pool party and finally she was called up to the stage in the evening show to be presented with her birthday certificate. She loved it all.

Can't believe it's been 6 years. Love you millions and millions Katie x


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