Just the Withers......

By JaneW


Just one of the sculptures I saw today on the year 6 school trip around three of the Shakespeare houses we went to today ...this one is in Nash's house ... Well it's garden ... Beautiful beautiful gardens at all three properties .....
Now I did have a giggle ... When we went for a picnic with the kids at the Brass rubbing centre gardens there were a few of the local drunks out ... They go there an awful lot and its not a place where you tend to see many people and they don't get hassled ...UNTIL we rock up with 54 11 year olds who treated the 5 absolutely CANED ( very very very drunk for anyone outside the UK) hardcore drinkers to the loudest game of British bulldog ever added to some of them doing 'Gangnam style' screeches AND a particularly vile rendition of Adeles 'feel my love' ..
As we left the park I could smell the weed they were smoking (the winos not the kids) and I truly believe it was to try and lessen the memory of our kids imprinted on their drunken old retinas and the horror of the noise .......
I had to take to my bed after this trip ... It was jolly hot and sweaty out there today folks.
Quick walk with Tits McGee tonight .. She forgot they phone so I let her have mine because I am SELFLESS !!!!!

Nick Bottom is a character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream who provides comic relief throughout the play, and is famously known for getting his head transformed into a donkey by the elusive Puck within the play. Bottom and Puck are the only two characters who interact and progress the three central stories in the whole play, Puck is the one who is first introduced in the fairies story and creates the drama of the lover's story by messing up who loves whom, as well as placing the donkey's head on Bottom's in his story. Similarly Bottom is performing in a play in his story intending it to be presented in the lover's story as well as interacting with Titania in the fairies' story.

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