Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Mono Monday Hobbies

Could have been my guitar (Bruno and I swapped stories of stressful weeks), or art, or photography (kinda obvious) so I went for gardening which I also love. These roses are in Jo's garden and doing very well since I pruned them in the spring.

I bought a sturdy, lockable 10m lead for Beau (I lost the old one but it wasn't that good) and not only was I allowed to use it, I was allowed to let him have the full 10m and run around in a field. He's so funny as he keeps jumping up to catch the lead right by my hand (trying to escape) and runs around with no slack tangled up! He used so much energy running he plodded back home! It seems to be helping him as he didn't growl once at another dog today, not even raised hackles. 

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