Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

It's All About the Bling

These are one of our snazziest flies, shining in metallic shades of orange and green with touches of bronze.  I've never gotten past Genus on these and I suspect that we have several different species as the sizes range from less than 1/8 inch to about 1/4 inch.  Anyway, they are in the appropriately named Family of Long-legged Flies.  And I actually managed to get the compound eyes on this one, no mean fete.  Go ahead and have a look.

I did another online fitness class this morning (free to AARP members).  I'm finding it very convenient to attend several classes a week since they have multiple classes every day, sponsored by different state AARP groups.  I thought today's class was only so-so as I felt it was a little too basic for me; but it was easy enough to add more challenging elements.  I need the discipline of an organized class to keep me on track.  

We took Phoebe to the vet today for a check up and for her monthly pain management injection.  She's been doing very well recently and the vet was pleased to see that she'd gained about a half a pound since last month.  We skipped blood work this time since she isn't showing any signs of being off track with her thyroid function.  She's an old girl and our mission is just to keep her comfortable and happy.  

Pollen counts were lower today which enabled me to spend almost the entire day outside.  Jax napped while I pottered and then we did some training.  Working on his "stay" right now and I must say he is doing very well ... as long as a squirrel doesn't cross his path!  Can't take the hunting breeds out of the dog.  

All seems to be fine in the nesting world.  I didn't check any of the boxes today but will probably do a check tomorrow.  I saw a male bluebird checking the two vacant boxes this morning so ... fingers crossed.  And at least one of the cardinal pair has fledglings out and about - I could hear them and finally caught a quick peek at both a youngsters, a male and a female.  

We watched "Remember the Titans" with Denzel Washington last night and loved it.  An inspirational and heartwarming movie.

Mom and dad are feeling a bit better today although not back to 100 % yet so still taking it easy (which makes #1 Daughter very happy).  

Dark with almonds today.


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