
By SparseRunner


Today I got up early to get into Edinburgh for a train to Lancaster. I had time to spare, so went for a pleasant walk around Princes Street Gardens. 

In Lancaster I met my colleague S as I left the station: he was there as organiser of the PhD course for which I was to give the first four hours of lectures. We took a bus up to the campus where, after lunch, I started teaching. Although I was tired, it went pretty well. 

After teaching, S and I checked into our hotel, where I caught up on email. We then met up with the students for a woodland walk, led by a couple of local PhD students. This took a slightly muddy path through the narrow strip of trees between the campus and the M6. A peaceful and relaxing walk, it was not!

Dinner was a hot buffet on the top floor of a teaching building, with views out across farmland to the M6. After eating, we went out onto a rather chilly open rooftop, where we chatted until we were glad to come indoors. 

I expected to get a photo in Lancaster, but this will have to do.

The strike in the Faroe Islands has ended, with the workers securing a 13% pay increase over the coming two years.

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