
By ciorstain

Sunday - boyfriend comes home

Still bloody freezing here in Glasgow!

Got up early (really) and finished all the photos before doing anything else.
Then did my Yoga, shower and got ready to get out.
I envisioned sitting somewhere in the sun for a coffee.

I went to Sunny and Vito's sat in the sun and in the wind and was freezing despite my tweed jacket a wool scarf and boots!!

I met Emma accidentally - she is a Yoga teacher and I had met her a few years ago at the 2 day seminar thingy in Edinburgh.

It was lovely to catch up.

Went home when I was really cold, bought veg on the way and spent the rest of the day on the couch, in front of the fire, knitting and listening to stuff.
Neil was home just before 10.

Nice to have him back - not only for being a human oven at nights :)

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