
By Pinkhairedlady

Tools of the trade

A day of contrasts.

Early morning visit to the hygienist which went quite well. Confusion at the reception desk when I was booking my next 6 monthly visit. I thought I was booking for November 25 and the receptionist sad sorry that’s a public holiday. Took a minute to realise she was talking December not November. All sorted.

Took Phin to Vogrie and he scared the pants off me by running out of a seldom opened gate before I could stop him! Luckily there was no traffic as he stopped in the middle of the road before running over to the other side. I managed to catch him after what felt like hours but was in fact, only a few seconds. Wee rascal.

Housework took up a fair bit of the afternoon before a friend called round to look at our surplus to requirements Motorhome awning. After a bit of discussion with Mr PHL and the obligatory watching of the instruction video, Kenny agreed it would suit his needs.

A quick wash and brush up and we’re about to head out for a cocktail and shack experience as part of a soft launch before the venue opens to the public in a couple of weeks. Will post photos tomorrow.

Looking forward to viewing the MonoMonday entries. Mine is obviously crochet tools!

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