
By wingpig


If only normal day-to-day pedestrians observed the hard-won CCWEL cycle path as well as concert attendees. I haven't happened across the bridge over the A8 when there's been a rugball match on since the path was opened so don't know if rugby-people notice it and keep it free. Considering the enormous queues at every westbound bus and tram stop on Princes Street I was surprised the crowds were so sparse at this point, especially when the largest queue was at the Haymarket tram stop, presumably comprised of people who had recently left the station, who possibly didn't know they'd get there a lot quicker on foot seeing as every tram which would pass them heading west would likely be stuffed; hopefully the LRT staff at the stops were keeping a couple of seats per tram free for any hapless souls who had been intending to head to the airport.

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