Tigger's Takes

By Tigger101

Tale of two tails!

Sunday 9th June 2024                   (backblip)

I have also backblipped Saturday's Feathers galore! ..... hope you will have a look ..... thanks to those who already have :-)

What has happened to Summer? More to the point ~ where is it?

Horrid wet day ...... it didn't clear up at all until about 5pm (17:00) though we did get some watery sunshine then.

As it seemed to have stopped raining for the time being we decided to risk a short walk before we had our meal.

We had a wander part way up the road & then wandered back through the wood.

We saw these Moorhens on the pond ..... the youngster is growing up now :-)

This was the only photo I took while we were out though we did see two Kestrels & a Sparrowhawk they didn't hang about!

Dark clouds were gathering again so we headed home! At least we got out for a short while!

Extra ~ two photos Hubby took (through the window) at home in the morning ..... hope you like them :-)

Stay safe everyone :-)

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