Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Yellow Daises by the Wayside

More lovely flowers growing at the base of one of the trees in my neighbourhood. So wonderful to see these splashes of colour here in town in our tree-lined streets. I really appreciate all the green in my neighbourhood out of the town centre!

An iPhone photo. I don't know why it doesn't show anymore.

I was very sad to hear on the news the death of Dr. Michael Mosley, author and well-known for his TV programmes on healthy diet. Some of you may know his books. I have several. He firmly believed in intermittant fasting benefits and the importance of a healthy breakfast of protein or overnight oats.  Mr. Mosley was on holiday on a Greek island when he went off alone to walk and visit the surrounding area. The temperatures were a terrible 40C and it is thought that he was overcome by the heat and collapsed and fell.  So tragic,

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