Everything stops for tea.

Didn't do much blip worthy today...except we managed to lock ourselves out the bathroom. Not too disastrous as there's a separate WC downstairs....but the toothbrushes are upstairs! We had to get it sorted before halitosis Set in!!!

Thankfully Mr S employed all his skills as a Sea Scout to pop the lock with a credit card.

No 1 and walked into town to try to use the cash machine. Success! Can shop tomorrow! Should I be alarmed that the waiters we passed on the way know No 1 by name now!!!? On the way back we picked out possible villas to buy when our lottery win comes in.

We headed back to our favourite tea and pancake place by the river as it was nice and shadey there. Girls fed the turtles again and were given a free shot of the Pedalo!

Off to meet friends tomorrow, and we have booked a boat trip for Wednesday.

Better go now and charge up all the Nintendos and cameras for the trips.

Nightie night.

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