Fields of Green

I found a note outside Miss E's door this morning which said Wow, my Mummy is grayt which made me feel less of a rubbish Mum!
I was in a funny mood yesterday - cried on the way home from swimming, bawled when Andy Murray won, stayed up too late watching Mamma Mia which I'd never seen before and cried at bits of that too!
Oh dear!
But I felt much more cheerful this morning.
Especially after I'd dropped the Little Misses off at school and come home to enjoy my last day of freedom before Miss E breaks up on Wednesday.
All that angst last year about her leaving nursery and starting Reception and now it's finished!
Today was Miss L's last day in her room too. In September she'll be in the next room for three days a week. Looking ridiculously tiny and grown up at the same time in her uniform!
Time is flying by.
So today I did a bit of housework, a lot of eBaying, and filled another bag for the Ragman, drank lots of tea, caught up with a bit of TV, read a trashy magazine or two and generally relaxed.
My last free day for a while!
Miss L fell asleep in the car at 4.30pm and went straight to bed and Miss E dressed up as a pumpkin, watched Octonauts, displayed a disturbing bout of OCD and took all the books off her bookshelves and sorted them by size and finally went to bed. At 8.40pm I can still hear her reading and chatting to her toys...... Go to Sleep!!!

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