
By Teasel

William Playfair

It wasn’t a very early start this morning, but I pottered and did a few chores before heading down to the river for a walk.  I came back by the pop up bakery, just as the rain started, thankfully it didn’t really come to anything.  I then procrastinated for a while about going out for a run.  It was cold and windy, and it wasn’t enticing me out, but I eventually got over the threshold and headed out.  My arms and hands were freezing until I got going, and my outward route along the railway path was into the wind, but sheltered in places.  The wind was mostly behind me on my return leg.  Around six miles done, and even though I wasn’t keen, I am glad I dragged myself out.
It was then home for more laundry and chores and then lunch.  Sandwiches made using the fresh baguette – yummy.
I then pottered about and got myself organised to head into Edinburgh to meet up with TT. I battled against the hordes and walked up to his office.  We then went for something to eat, an early tea.  He started with two negronis and I had a  gin and tonic, which was served in an enormous gold fish bowl-type glass filled with ice.  There was barely room for the g and t!  Anyway the food was good.  We then wandered along Chambers Street and up to the Festival Theatre, as we were going to see Scottish Opera’s production of La Traviata.  It’s a long time since I have been to that theatre and a long time since I last went to an opera.  We were not disappointed.  It was a fabulous performance and the leading lady was outstanding – she got a standing ovation.  As we were leaving we bumped into a former colleague of mine, who was at his first opera – he enjoyed it.
We were a bit worried the buses would be full of Swifties, but we were lucky and our bus wasn’t busy at all.  However, with the A1 being closed we had another round about journey home.  I was rather weary when we eventually got home and collapsed into my bed!
The sun was shining on William Playfair as we walked along Chambers Street.

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