
By Veronica

For the record

The new flower tubs are looking lovely now. The centrepiece of this one is the fuchsia Sue gave me for my birthday in February, which was languishing in the house, but has taken off here. I saw the kestrel again this morning! But not for long enough to get a photo.

Not a great day in French political life. We dutifully went and voted after S got back. Now, with only the preliminary results in, Macron has dissolved the Assemblée Nationale, so there will be an election at the end of the month. This seemed unbelievably crass. On reflection, I suppose he was pre-empting yet another vote of confidence next week, which his government might lose. However, in my opinion he is no Pedro Sanchez, who manages to pull off this kind of thing with aplomb. However grand he looks on the international stage, he is not great at domestic politics. We have no wish to live in a country with a far-right government. Miserable now :(

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