Red Flash

By RedFlash


The temporary cast on of the other day becomes a square. I then knit across the stitches with a circular needle and another colour. I then pick up the stitches down the side, undo the temporary cast on and knit those stitches and then pick up stitches up the other side. The first round is then purled. Rows are alternatively knitted and purled. On the knit row, two extra stitches are made at the corners. When the desired square size is achieved cast off loosely. So now you know.

During the day Nigel and I have worked in the garden removing weeds. We’ve then spread homemade compost on the weeded areas and then we’ve planted all of the cosmos that I’ve grown from seed.

In the afternoon some friends came round with their new puppy dachshund. She is adorable. They have two others and all three were running round the garden.

It’s been a good weekend.

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