Everyday Life

By Julez

Mum's Water-Taxi

Blurb soon...

We just watched yesterday's game back on TV. A couple of things I thought were that it seemed "easier" looking at it on TV than it did in the ground, probably due to heightened atmosphere.

Our coach, Matty Peet is a young guy by coaching standards and is also unusual in that he has never played the game at a professional level. He has always coached, just for the love of doing it initially - he never expected to do it for a living. He started at Wigan with the youngsters and has worked his way up. He is quite a remarkable coach in many ways. I hope he will write a book one day. He does work with a "brains trust" including a couple of recently retired former senior players and a former coach of the club. It is a very successful set-up.

Also, and I did think about this when we were at the game, we were not sitting in the place I would have chosen. The view was fine - that was not the issue. But we were sitting with people who were pretty quiet. The young, loud lads with the drum and everything were in the adjacent stand and hardly anyone where we were was joining in with singing etc. It was like being at the theatre. We tried, as did three very drunk blokes behind us, and a loud, very sweary cockney man next to us. He moved at half time due to glares from the young family in front of us. 

Today we had a lie-in until about 8.30 AM, which was excellent  after three 6 AM (or earlier) starts. I had a video call with Grace at the start of the day - lovely to chat with her again as it is a while since we have seen her. They go on holiday to Majorca next week so it will be a bit longer yet.

After lunch Brian and I decided to go for a walk along the river bank from five mile bridge in Fiskerton. The weather could have been nicer but it stayed dry at least. 

We met a couple that Brian knew one half of through work and we had a chat with them. They live close to where we were and the man's wife pointed out the swan in my Blip with the cygnets on her back. Most had disembarked before I was ready with my camera but it still makes a sweet shot.

There are extras - one shows Grace pratting about with Messenger effects and the other is a caterpillar that got onto Brian's jacket whilst he was photographing something else (He has also blipped it and included a little info about this interesting creature and the equally interesting moth it is destined to be.)

It is tea time now - pizza for me - and some G&T's to toast that amazing team we support later!

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