Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

I bought this book at Schiphol airport as we awaited our flight to Poland. I knew we had a few train journeys in the next 10 days, so I needed some reading material to pass the time.

I have to say this book would not be in my 'favourites list'. I almost had it read by the time the plane touched down in Gdansk, a journey of less than 2 hours, so there was no way it was going to last the entire trip.

The story lacked any twists and turns and was rather predictable...a girl goes to live with her uncle at his bookshop, falls in love with reading, which then learns her some life lessons etc, etc, yawn, yawn,...I feel like I've read this type of storyline so many times recently and this one held nothing new, considering its a 'Best Seller'. I was turning the pages, hopefull that something exciting was going to happen...but it didn't.

I left this book at one of the guest-houses on our trip, in the hope that the next reader might enjoy it...and another book was swiftly bought in it's place. Books, like so many things, can't be to everyone's taste I guess. Nice book cover though...

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