That's what my heart yearns for now
At the allotment this morning, I stopped himself on the way to our plot.
The lady who has a plot next to mine was there, and he, himself, is horrified at the state she keeps her plot in.
Me, personally, I love it. It is awash with flowers, I do believe there are some veggies in there too, but mostly she is a flower grower, and I am in awe of her.
"Do not say anything" I growled. And he did that thing, where he looked at me all offended, like "why do you think I would say anything">
So we wandered up and she greeted me warmly and I updated her on all the boring shiz at the AGM.
She then offered me some Sunflowers, Cosmos and aliums. I was delighted. I declinded the Cosmos because I have so many little Cosmos at home, I didn't want to accept them, in case it offended them and they stopped growning.
I weeded my bed, and she pointed out that I shouold be picking my anenomes because they are "Pick and come back". So I did.
As we left, she hadned me this beautiful bunch of Aliums and Asrangia She has hundreds of ALiums all in different states, some perfect circles and some a bit saddened. But the Astrangia - she has four different colours, I don't kow how she actually looks after anything - they are all beautitful but everywhere.
Lovely. I have a house full of Alium, Astrangas, and peonies.
IIn the afternoon - we went to BQ to grab some stones for a wee gap between our path and our neighbours which was left after the new drive. and while we were there, I spotted some beautiful colouful poppies and I couldn't resist them, and now, as I write I am looking at their yellow red and orange colours brightening up my border, which is steadfastly refusing to burst into colour.
My lavender is full to bursting, but with no flowers. My poppies are big and bushy - loads of heads, but none open. My cornflowers and hearthy and high - no flowers. ...
I wait. I wait... i wait.
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