Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Only a walk to end of block and back.  Hard.  Hot out.  
Trying to pick up the mess I’ve made in my studio and pack up for island projects.  Thot I”d put these architectural tools together…it ’s a much better photo of the compasses.  And I love this micrometer in it’s box.   Of course you can buy all  these new  pretty cheap but there are folks who collect antique tools which is fun to see.   I had to look up what the swiss micrometer does…measures the inside  and outside .     I’ve got plenty of stuff for a few weeks…. and no one will have to look at my studio.

I have another more fun photo I”m going to put in the extra…as I’ve been savoring my good fortune and good friends lately.   This is me, Randi (the gourmet chef friend) and Diane who was blipped Thursday.  We had just climbed  Huayna Picchu, one of the 4 peaks surrounding Machu PIcchu.  Herb took the picture…the other two husbands didn’t come up due to injury and sickness so H loves that he was there with the girls.   You can see Machu Picchu below.   April 1999.   No lines.  No one else up there with us.  Many steep Inca steps.   A few broken ropes to hang on to..had to go down backwards.  Pretty special.   (I just looked it up and they are called "the stairs of death!”)  This pix is on my bulletin board to look at every day.   A good memory since I can now barely walk to the end of the block.  Nor would I be able to breathe at 8,000 ft Machu Picchu.  Sigh.  but it was SO MUCH regrets.

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