Pictorial blethers

By blethers


I thought I'd try blipping a peaceful photo today, one that reflects the weather we're having just now in that it looks peaceful and inviting, this view of the garden from my kitchen sink (really - I took it specially!), but when I allowed myself to be invited and took the glass out to the recycling bin I discovered there was a biting wind and all this calm green and blue and sunlight was about to vanish under another sudden shower (the cloud for it is hiding just offstage top right). But I love it when all the pots begin to grow (no thanks to the slugs) and the rose my sister-in-law gave us for our Golden Wedding is full of promising buds - it almost makes dish-washing acceptable...

I don't know where the morning went - I suppose catching up on last night's blip and doing my Italian did for a chunk of it. A chap delivered all the gubbins that the apparent change of BT into EE has brought about (is this really happening?) but I didn't feel up to making it my business, so I won't. 

The afternoon took us down to Toward for the first decent walk I've been in a week. I might have posted the photo I took of a seal on a rock looking at me and apparently doing back exercises - he wasn't there when we passed on the way home, and as the tide was going out I felt I'd have enjoyed seeing how he got down off his rock - or a herd of black cows each with its number branded white on its flank; I thought it could be a novel kind of rustic eye test to see how far away one could make out the numbers - or the lovely red of the sandstone intrusion, all the way from Arran, on the Toward shore, but ... *

And now it's once more Saturday evening, and I'm not going to be singing any solos tomorrow cos my voice still isn't up to it but I shall be reading the lessons as I've swapped with someone. And it's still cold: my watch tells me it's currently 9ºC outside. 

*I've decided I can have an extra. Love the colours.

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