
By Ingleman

Physocarpus opulifolius (Nine Bark)

Distinct exfoliating bark
Ninebark is a deciduous shrub native to North America, known for its peeling bark and attractive foliage. It is called “Ninebark” due to the distinct exfoliating bark that naturally peels away in layers, revealing different colors and textures beneath.

And it is in our garden !!

So are the bluetits feeding their very demanding babies (Extra)

Plus, we have House Martins nest building in the gable-end eaves of our bungalow. I am thrilled.  I am watching them closely/from a distance and feel there is a good chance the nest will work. They seem to be very good nest builders despite the apparent lack of rain, mud, building materials due to a recent very dry spell.

I will report on this development in future posts.

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