Harder or Easier?
I suspect it may depend mainly on whether you're H & S @ work, or ex-Fire Service.
Once upon a time we could tell, as far away as you could see colour, what was in an extinguisher - thus - Red = Water : Cream = Foam : Black = CO2 : Green = BCF (Brace yourself) BromochlorodifluoroMethane. I retired in 1996 so things may well have changed - BUT - I have a faint recollection of a panic ensuing over the effects of Halons on the O3 (Ozone) Layer.
From the shape of "delivery" you'd get a further clue. Water was only a jet, while Foam and CO2, in my day, had "horns" like the right one, which expands 450X as it leaves the extinguisher.
another - BUT -
Now you only know it's a Fire extinguisher because it's red, even the Foam have lost their erstwhile horn.
MORAL? - IF you are ever likely to need one, read it NOW and NOT while your Bum's gently smouldering.
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