
By TheOttawacker

Good intentions fall by the wayside

With the house cleared of sickness and Ottawacker Jr. safely back in school, the stage was set for a good push at the translation. I did well enough in the morning, but by noon I had had enough and decided to do some errands and tidying away before Mrs. Ottawacker offered to help me. Astounding how much there is to do. Were I to be honest, I’d tell you that I still have several boxes to unpack from when I moved back to Canada from New Zealand. That was 1999. I will get round to it, one of these days. The problem is, as always, that I have so many good intentions, many of which get derailed by life. And procrastination. But mainly life.

The blip is of Joseph, who is one of the nicest men you could wish to meet and a fantastic tailor. For any francophones reading, I can assure you that he is not rich. He is, however, very good – and should anyone in Ottawa require the services of an expert seamster (I had to look that up), he is well worth a visit. You'll find him on Rockingham.

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