The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

Cemetery beauty

The old part of the local cemetery has been left to grow wild as part of a local rewilding project. This has caused huge uproar with local residents who think it looks a complete mess and should be quote 'mown immediately'
Whilst I understand their concerns I see no reason why this very old part of the cemetery can't be left to nature and the new (and used) part mown and kept neat. I have had several heated arguments with people on FB about this. Trouble is no-one seems to understand what a knife edge the planet is on at the moment and neatly mown verges and public places do nothing at all for wildlife - it breaks my heart.
Anyway part of the cemetery has now been mown and it is an even worse mess! long tufts of grass here and there, some graves left long, others short and gravestones hit by the strimmer, and everywhere piles of grass cuttings just left lying where they fell! 
I know which I think looks better

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