Up and out this morning to the Lavaur vide grenier - a huge spread of stalls covering the whole town. Just walking by each one quickly would have taken an hour or so, but the endless sifting of Pokemon cards and books took much longer. It was outrageously hot and I was positively melting by the time we staggered back to the car - leaving our friends still searching for the perfect keepsakes to take back to Britain. Lunch was a pulled together affair of leftovers from the fridge, though I did try to liven it up with some flowers. As I was taking a quick blip of this just to have one "in the bag" in case nothing else happened in the day, something about the scene reminded me of chaiselongue's blips of food. She, of course would have a beautiful plate to serve it on and would handle the dappled shade more elegantly than I have.
Later, the Castres crew arrived for a quick cool drink on the way back from the vide grenier - just in time to see the end of that day's tour stage and an Irish winner. Later still we sat down to watch the last set of the Wimbledon final on the internet - clearly not the only people in the world to have that idea as the buffering was so extreme that the match took us about five hours to watch!
Then dinner, too much wine, the kids putting themselves to bed again, and a physio session for Mr B's sprained wrist and (other arm) tennis elbow.
Then I popped through to have a quick check on blip to find, from BarioBoy's blip the awful, shocking news about chaiselongue's death. Still, posting this a day later, it is hard to believe it is true. But it makes it clearer than anything how blip is more than some photos and words. I met her in person only once, but those small day to day interactions add up to a lot more than mere 'acquaintance'.
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