
By pandieb


The view* from my bed, where I've been most of the day. I didn't feel great on the drive home yesterday and definitely had a fever when I went to bed last night. Then I woke with agonizing (ie shout out loud);stomach cramps at about midnight and haven't been far from the bathroom ever since.

It's even more frustrating as the reason we came back early from the Lake District was to go to a big celebration party at a friend's pub today. it's been planned for months.  Himself had to go on his own in the end. I tried, I got 200m up the road and had to turn round.

I'm really hoping it's a 24jr thing as I don't have the patience to be a patient. 

*He's only there to remind me it's nearly tea time. And it's warm in the sunshine. There's no compassion involved.

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