toaster's world!

By 2112toaster

A hot Summers Day at the Loch!

Today was hot! 27 degrees and that for this Country is Hot Hot & Hot, struggled to get a sleep, so was u early and went for a walk, head, neck and arms got a little burnt! Perhaps factor 15 isn't doing the job lol

Decided to use the Blux App again, so here we have the folks of Lanarkshire ( north & south) enjoying this beautiful hot weather and taking to the Loch ( Strathclyde Country Park) to walk off the weekends hangover, exercise ( walking, cycling and running) then there are the posers of both sexes, you'll have seen them, girls made up like their doing a photo shoot & guys built like Arnold Schwarzenegger all strutting their stuff, then there was the elderly ladies and gentlemen dressed for summer and taking a leisurely stroll & burning up enough calories to make a difference lol not forgetting the Swans, Ducks and boats : )

Then of course there was me! Looking all hot & bother and as though Id been Tangoed ( British advert for a soft drink) and half asleep.. ; )

It's to be another hot one tomorrow!! Oh Dear, best get the lotion upgraded, sleep more & out early : )

Hoping your all having fun too!

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