
By Teasel

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Another day in the office.  Quite a few colleagues were also in the office today which was nice. Having hardly moved for the past few days,  I was determined that I was going to go out for a wander at lunchtime today.  However it rained, and it was very heavy rain.  However it blew over, so I took a chance, and popped out.  I made it back dry, but only just as there was another really heavy shower just as I got back to the office.  Unbeknown to me, one of my colleague had gone off to Murrayfield to get her Taylor Swift merch.  She had got caught in the rain, but got what she wanted and was happy.  There was a lot of Swiftie chat in the office, as at least a couple of folk are off to one of the concerts at the weekend. 
A colleague was on my bus home tonight, so we had a good old chat all the way home.  Given my poor step count this week, I headed out for some steps this evening – and it was a lovely evening, but rather chilly.
I walked past this ghost sign at lunchtime.

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