..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

In search of Lanty Scar

Some friends are up from the south doing recon of the routes for the Lakeland 50/100 L50/100
The preamble on Thursday was 3 of us hiking up around Loughrigg.
Inevitably it would not be a simple stroll around the well made paths. Nope, there were peaks to bag, specifically Lanty Scar, Fox How and Loughrigg
I plotted a route and off we set.  Jess was old school referring to the OS Map and after a consultation of the OS map vs my GPS route it became apparent Lanty Scar had a number of marked summits.  This meant we had to visit all possible summits as returning from a hike and not bagging a summit  is a serious misdemeanour.
After quite a bit of scrambling around in bracken and over rough terrain we bagged the OS Lanty Scar ridge "summit" from where I took this shot down to Rydal Water.  Then we scrambled back to defined paths and reached the more obvious Lanty Scar peak complete with a rough cairn pile of stones.
The rest of the hike was more conventional, taking obvious paths over Fox How and finally Loughrigg.
Return to car and then off to the Golden Rule in Ambleside , de rigueur for a pint and a pork pie.

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